تحميل كتاب قاموس المصطلحات الاسلامية عربي انجليزي Arabic Islamic terminology in English ⏤ محمد علي الخولي 2021 - مدونة تحميل الكتب


السبت، 10 مايو 2014

تحميل كتاب قاموس المصطلحات الاسلامية عربي انجليزي Arabic Islamic terminology in English ⏤ محمد علي الخولي 2021

كتاب قاموس المصطلحات الاسلامية عربي انجليزي Arabic Islamic terminology in English ⏤ محمد علي الخولي 2021

وصف كتاب قاموس المصطلحات الاسلامية عربي انجليزي Arabic Islamic terminology in English ⏤ محمد علي الخولي 2021

2014م - 1442هـقاموس المصطلحات الاسلامية عربي انجليزي Arabic Islamic terminology in EnglishDICTIONARYOFISLAMICTERMSEnglish - ArabicandArabic - EnglishProf. Dr. Muhammad Ali AlkhuliINTRODUCTIONI felt the need for a dictionary of Islamic terms while I was writingsome English books on Islam to introduce the Islamic religion tonon-Muslims. I also found that many Arab writers of such Englishbooks have the same feeling about the need for such a dictionary because~slanlic terms are available in Arabic, to begin with. Therefore, Ideveloped the intention to compile a bilingual Arabic-English dictionaryand an English-Arabic dictionary on Islamic terms. The result of thisintention has been this dictionary.This dictionary contains the terms related to the Holy Quran, theSunna, worship, transactions, manners, penal laws, the permitted, theprohibited, marriage, divorce, waiting period, inheritance, jurisprudence,pillars of Islam, God's names, Prophets' names, names of theQuranic chapters, many terms that may come under the umbrella of"Islamic terms9', and terms needed in comparative religious studies.To facilitate using this dictionary, I would like to mention thefollowing:1. In Arabic entries, the verb appears in the past form.2. In English entries, the verb appears in the infinitive form.3. In Arabic entries, the definitive a1 is omitted whenever necessary. Itonly appears when it is an inseparable part of the noun.4. Arabic words are almost completely vocalized in both dictionariesto make it easier for the reader and more accurate for the researcher.5. In cases of English multiple synonyms of an Arabic entry or casesof Arabic multiple synonyms of an English entry, priority has been givento the most frequent and most suitable synonym..

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